
My client asked me a question in Digits Reports - What do I experience as the Accountant or Finance Manager?

Userlevel 4

Fantastic, you have sent a Digits Report to your client. That was easy! How they have already taken a look at the report and asked you a question in the report! Wow, it is super nice to not have to dig through historical context or find the right file to look at to answer their question. I just need to click the notification and I am taken directly there, in line with the right financial context!




  1. Login to your Accountant Portal
  2. Either click on the notification to go directly to the comment or go to the report you know the comment is in. 
  3. Explore and deep dive as necessary to find the answer to your clients question
  4. Once you have the answer, go back and reply to your client and "@" mention them in your response. 
  5. Your client will then get a notification that the response came through!

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