Sending a Digits Report to your client

  • 30 April 2022
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Hooray! You have your executive summary crafted perfectly and are ready to knock the socks off of your client with their first Digits Report! You are giddy because you know how helpful the hover to discover and easy to understand insights will be for your client to better run their business. 


Accountant Process

  1. Click the “Share” button in the top right
  2. Type in your clients email and a quick, custom message to them. 
  3. Click the “Share” button to send to your client

Client experience 

  1. They receive a beautiful email that includes your custom message letting them know their Digits Report is ready
  2. They click “View Report” and quickly create a Digits Account
  3. They will receive a security verification for their email address
  4. After they click “Verify Email” they will land right in their Digits Report

Quick and easy with the whole process happening in seconds!

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