Digits Reports Builder: Deferred Revenue Analysis

Related products: Digits Reports Builder (Labs)

I have a client with Deferred Revenue as an Other Current Liability account.  They collect prepayments throughout the year, but it’s only recognized as income on the P&L once services are rendered.  I’d love to add an analysis tool for that account to their Executive Summary since their deferred revenue plays a huge part in their cash flow.

Hey @Amanda,

Thanks for reaching out with this idea!

Have you tried searching for deferred in the Builder search bar? I see Deferred Revenue as a search result for one of your customers. That said, I may not be looking at the right report, so I wanted to check with you first before diving into this deeper.


@Andrew Yes, I did try searching Deferred Revenue and Other Current Liabilities.  Liabilities turns up a graph, but that includes the credit card transactions and I was hoping to zero in on trend of the deferred revenue account specifically.  Thanks for your help!

Hey Amanda,

I’m actually able to see a Deferred Revenue component that you can drag into your client’s report. I’ve embedded a sample video below just to make sure we’re talking about the same search functionality. The video is a sample report, so it doesn’t have any sensitive data, but it may be a better visual description of the Builder search functionality I’m referring to:

So if you view your customers report => go to edit mode => search in the top right of the Builder drawer for “Deferred Revenue,” do you see the draggable component? If so, is this what you’re looking for?

If not, feel free to email support@digits.com so we can chat more specifically to your experience in the context of your customers’ data. 

I’m looking forward to getting this resolved for you quickly!

@Andrew - Yes it works now!  Perfect, thank you!

Updated idea statusNewImplemented