Digits Reports Builder & Digits Search: Exclude Vendors from Top Vendors

Related products: Digits Search Digits Reports Builder (Labs)

OK - I promise this is the last for today…

Some supplier spend is just a given and for many companies things like payroll is fixed so seeing my top spend by PEO / Payroll Provider is less relevant for decision-making. 

It would be great to have client settings that give us the ability to exclude certain “Vendors” from the Top Vendor analysis - I know that kinda defeats some of the purpose but I also assume IF we wanted to see total spend by something like PEO / Payroll Provider then we should be able to access this from Digits Search or Burn

For the Report Builder though, I’d like to focus insights on helping more contralable monthly spend by vendor


When you’re on a roll @JAM keep em coming, we love it! 

Interesting insight on excluding some less variable expenses from the analysis.  Will make sure that the team sees this.