Digits Reports Builder: Graph/Chart Visuals

Related products: Digits Reports Builder (Labs)

My clients are very creative and visual, so they have a hard time digesting rows of numbers. I love that you can hover over a report line to see a trend line, but Iā€™d love a way to display charts/graphs of data directly on the report. This would help me hold their interest during discussions and their printed reports would be more engaging as well!

Hey @focalpointbkĀ thanks for sharing! We have actually already built functionality just like this called Digits Reports Builder where you can drag and drop different graphs to help break up looking at rows of numbers. :)

Check out more here:

Hi Courtney,

Thank you for the reply! I should have clarified - Iā€™m hoping for an expansion on the existing graphs currently inĀ reports builder. Pie charts, line graphs, etc. really help tell a financial story to a visual learner.

Hi @focalpointbkĀ Thank you for the clarification! Our product team is actively building out what the future of Reports Builder will be. To make sure we build in your exact needs any chance you could help list out some of the metrics that may correlate with a pie chart?

Sure thing! The specific ways Iā€™ve used this chart in another report builder are:

  • % of total revenue for services/products sold
  • % of total direct costs for specific direct costs
Example %Revenue Pie Chart


@focalpointbkĀ This is super helpful, thank you for sharing!