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Is there a way to remove “Secured by Digits” from the reports? I thought that the white label option would remove all Digits branding.

Thanks for the feedback @tfctobias Will definitely share this with the product team. 

I’d REALLY like to see a white-labeling option for firms. It’s confusing for clients and I’d love to keep my branding along all platforms. I’d love to add this javascript to my custom member dashboard. 

Thanks @The Jib so you’d want all references to Digits removed. Would you also want the emails to come from your company’s domain instead of


@Michael Yes, emails as well. I’m sure you culd create levels of white-labeling and what they look like from basic to completely removed. But I’d love the option!

Great, thanks to know @The Jib While this is not on our immediate roadmap, I will ensure our product team knows about this!

Any updates on white labeling?

Hey @JOSEPH BLOOM - Appreciate the question! No updates for now on this front for a full white labeled solution. We are continuing to invest in more ways to increase accounting firm brand visibility in Digits to provide familiarity and increase trust with you and your clients but for now a full white label is not on the immediate roadmap. 

