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I just would like to know if there are pie charts for expenses by vendor available to download?

Thank you!

Hey @Kristine Doria We do not yet have pie charts for expenses by vendor as we have felt that once the number of vendors was above a few, it could be hard to see all vendors. Can you share a bit more? I would love to know how the currently existing list of top vendors isn’t fitting you or your client's needs.


Hi Michael,

I understand that it might be hard to fit all vendors. Perhaps, those recurring vendors or only the top 10 vendors can be displayed in the pie chart, the rest of the vendors might be complied as “others”. The top vendor’s list is good, but my client would love to see how big is his expense to a particular vendor compared to another vendor, so seeing it in a whole picture, just a glance he can know his spending status.

I hope this make sense.

Thank you!

Got it, thanks @Kristine Doria those extra details are super helpful. While not possible currently, I will let the team know you’d love to see this added in. I’m curious would the waterfall type view under the Analysis tab help out your clients? To get there, click on “Analysis” and then scroll down after the page has loaded


