Hey, Digits Community!
While you’ve been hard at work pouring your energy into tax season, our designers and engineers have been pulling long hours to bring you an enhanced Digits experience!
Based on your feedback, special thanks to
We wanted to let our Community know in advance so that you can be ready for the change when it happens.
What’s changing:
Navigation: We are updating how you navigate into the tools and move about the product. The new navigation is optimized for easy movement between tools and clients, enhancing your workflow efficiency.
Refreshed colors: The background and tools will be lightened up giving them a fresh and modern feel.
What’s staying the same:
What tools you have access to
How you use our tools and what they can do
Your client’s portal experience
We're super excited about these changes, and we hope you are too! If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're always here to help.