I see Boost in my dashboard!
I see Boost when I log in and an reviewing the suggestions. Thanks for adding me to this!
Multiple clients have an Amazon Business account that is linked to QBO (like a bank feed). Amazon determines that the Vendor name should be “Amazon Business”. I am receiving two separate suggestions “Amazon” is the primary suggestion or “Amazon Marketplace” is the other. We discussed this yesterday but I wasn't sure if I needed to add that info here 
Thanks for letting us know! Yes, this is a case where we see the Amazon Business vendor, but based off the transactions description we are suggesting Amazon or Marketplace.
There are two things we are doing to help resolve this:
- Filters - We are adding filters to Boost so you can make sure we don’t suggest items for those vendors again
- Increased training for ML - Based off of your feedback and dismissing/closing work items we will improve our models to prevent suggestions like these
@Greg I see Boost on my dashboard! 
We use an account “Client 2 Advise” that enables us to ask the client about certain transactions, for some that includes a receipt request even if we know where it should be booked. It would be helpful if we could filter that account out of the equation.
Amazon Business > Amazon recommendation….When you integrate an Amazon Business account with QBO, Amazon assigns the name. I’m not sure if changing it to “Amazon” would interfere with this integration so I am hesitant to accept the recommendation. It would be helpful if this could be excluded as well. OR if Amazon Business was an ‘acceptable’ vendor name.
NTTA is for tolls - not auto fuel (getting this suggestion across multiple clients) - North Texas Toll Authority
WOW - Digits brings consistency to all transactions as we can not only change specific contact names but we can apply these updates across ALL payments - no more 1099 prep panics for slight name variations. Now I want the same option to be available for category suggestions (as a starting point...trust me, there will be more demands!!!)
Things I’d like to see:
- The same option to recategorize past classifications in the same was we can reassign the Vendor names BUT with the ability to apply it only to a specific date range, e.g. if the prior year is closed, I wouldn’t want any changes to those entries so I’d need to be able to enter the date from for the changes
- We all have our own accounts that we post things to that we need answers on - Ask my Accountant or Items Requiring Clarification or Uncategorized...it would be great to be able to add that account to the Client and have this appear in Boost with the ability to ask our clients for more info. Once they answer, have the ability to update the entry from Digits plus add their answer to QBO for a complete audit trail
- More of a question as I can’t see an example, what happens if there isn’t a vendor name assigned? That’s a real issue with QBO in that it allows postings to be made without a vendor (unlike Xero
) but, personally, I am only interested in this feature for P&L entries and not Balance Sheet - Could Digits maybe identify a brand new vendor in another section that we could review? With a Yes / No box on whether we need a W9 or W8 for 1099 purposes...if we say No, that alert would vanish but if we say Yes automatically email the client asking them to request the document then maybe attach it to their answer once they receive it. The Yes option would then only drop off the report once either the W9 was received or have an option for us to close this out ourselves if the doc came in another route?
@Wayne Chang @Michael
I would describe Digits Boost as tool you would you use to check for any errors before you sent the reports.
- This could be very helpful for a team manager to make sure the employee is putting the transaction is the right area.
- We put all our vendor name in on the QuickBooks side. If we did not do this, could we add them from digits? Could this save time? Might try this on one of my clients to see how it works.
@Michael - Hi Michael, I am not seeing Boost in my dashboard. Are you able to assist?
@ALS22 Thanks for the reply, you should now have access.
I’m excited to see what you think
@Michael - Hi Michael, I am not seeing Boost in my dashboard. Are you able to assist?
Hey y’all!
Two things.
- When I go to rename a vendor, can it apply to all transactions flagged for that vendor/name?
- Vendor renaming will need to recognize People Names instead of just businesses (example attached) otherwise folks that have smaller vendors/contractors are going to drown in suggestions that aren’t right
@Ben Day Awesome! Thank you for the feedback and suggestions. I’m the PM on Boost.
1. Regarding applying to all suggestions - Yes! This is actually in progress right now. We call this bulk actions. Soon you’ll be able to see groups of identical suggestions, and then make a bulk action edit how you see fit
2. Thanks for bringing this one up. Aligned that we could improve on this suggestion. I’m going to take it to the team and figure out the root cause.
Let me know any other features you’d like to see
Hey y’all!
Two things.
- When I go to rename a vendor, can it apply to all transactions flagged for that vendor/name?
- Vendor renaming will need to recognize People Names instead of just businesses (example attached) otherwise folks that have smaller vendors/contractors are going to drown in suggestions that aren’t right
@Ben Day Boost has been turned on for you! Let us know your thoughts after you try it?
Thanks for the prompt response! I can now see the Boost icon. I am going through the suggestions now and it has already picked up a variance! This is going to be a triple pass to ensure consistency and accuracy in my clients’ files!
It would be helpful if we could filter that account out of the equation.
@TraciS This is exactly the next project on the roadmap. @Greg will have more details, but we are very excited to get this kind of rule setting implemented.
Amazon Business > Amazon recommendation….When you integrate an Amazon Business account with QBO, Amazon assigns the name. I’m not sure if changing it to “Amazon” would interfere with this integration so I am hesitant to accept the recommendation. It would be helpful if this could be excluded as well. OR if Amazon Business was an ‘acceptable’ vendor name.
Not sure how QBO would respond, so we’ll investigate this further. Once we have the rule setting implemented, you’ll have the control to skip these kinds of recommendations. But as it’s systemic, this is great feedback to know about.
NTTA is for tolls - not auto fuel (getting this suggestion across multiple clients) - North Texas Toll Authority
Also good to know. @hannes and I can look into how the model handles this.
@DanaFogle Digits Boost is now turned on for you! Let us know what you think. :)
Hey, I’m using Digits Boost, which enables me to quickly clean-up manual errors such as incorrect vendor assignments or account mispostings in QBO without ever leaving Digits, helping me focus my efforts on getting my clients financial insights faster!
@JessicaF Stay tuned! We have a new feature coming out very soon that will allow you to filter out specific boost suggestions.
Multiple clients have an Amazon Business account that is linked to QBO (like a bank feed). Amazon determines that the Vendor name should be “Amazon Business”. I am receiving two separate suggestions “Amazon” is the primary suggestion or “Amazon Marketplace” is the other. We discussed this yesterday but I wasn't sure if I needed to add that info here 
I see Boost when I log in and an reviewing the suggestions. Thanks for adding me to this!
@Shelly Awesome! I’m super excited to hear what you think
I see Boost on my dashboard! However, it does not have activity opened or closed for any of my clients added. I know most of them have transactions uncategorized, is there another step I need to complete?
Hello @Brooke0707 and @RuthScottSolutions -- Great news! Digits Boost is now turned on for you! Let us know what you think. :)
Really excited to share the new Digits Boost video that our team put together!
I see Boost on my dashboard! However, it does not have activity opened or closed for any of my clients added. I know most of them have transactions uncategorized, is there another step I need to complete?
Hi @sarahbrooke our AI ran overnight and has created some Boost suggestions for you. Please take a look again and let me know how they look. Happy to answer any questions you may have.
@sarahbrooke Currently uncategorized transactions aren’t built into Boost. It is something we’re discussing internally -- would you mind creating an idea here so we can hear from other folks about it as well? Thank you!